

Public Function create_eco_dtl(ByVal detail_type As String, _

                        ByVal required As Long, _

                        ByVal status As String, _

                        ByVal labor_type As String, _

                        ByVal elapsed_time As Long, _

                        ByVal location As String, _

                        ByVal description As String, _

                        ByVal eco_hdr_code As String, _

                        ByVal mod_level_objid As Long) As Integer





This API add labor or material details to the specified ECO Header. The objid of the ECO detail created is returned in the object property ret_objid  (FCDR.ret_objid).





Parameter Name                Required?             Description                                                                                                          

detail_type                            Yes                         Must be "Labor" or "Material"

Required?                                 Yes                         Indicates if this detail is required (1), or not (0)

status                                     No                           Indicates the effectivity of the ECO, defined by the Clarify list of

"ECO Status" values. The list default is used if no parameter is supplied.

labor_type                             No*                        Indicates the type of labor being added, from the Clarify list of

"Labor Type" values. The list default is used if no parameter is supplied.

elapsed_time                         Yes*                       Estimated amount of time required to perform the work in seconds.

location                                  No**                      Indicates the location where the material belongs.

description                            No                           Text field for the description of the ECO detail.

eco_hdr_code                      Yes                         ECO Code of the ECO Header this detail will be attached to.

mod_level_objid                  Yes**                     Indicates the part and revision used to apply this ECO.


*              These parameters only apply to Labor detail items.

**           These parameters only apply to Material detail items.




Value                                     Meaning                                                                                                                                               

0                                              No errors

-1                                             Invalid Detail Type Specified

-2                                             Invalid Value for Detail Required Field

-3                                             Invalid Value for Elapsed Time

-4                                             Specified ECO Status is not in database

-5                                             Specified Labor Type is not in database

-6                                             Specified ECO Header is not in database

-7                                             Specified Mod Level  is not in database



ret_objid                                Output                   Returns the objid of the newly created ECO Detail



·         Create a labor ECO detail attached to ECO "8". The estimated time is 10 minutes (600 seconds).





var ret_int = fcdr.create_eco_dtl("Labor",0,"","",600,"","Apply




Visual Basic:


Dim ret_int As Integer

ret_int = fcdr.create_eco_dtl("Labor",0,"","",600,"","Apply
